15 Laravel Performance Optimization Tips for eCommerce Store

6 Minutes to read

Does your online store feel slow? Slow websites can cost you money. Studies show that when a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of visitors leave.

Think about it – would you wait around for a slow website to load? Neither will your customers.
As your Laravel store grows, it needs to handle more products, more customers, and more orders. Without proper optimization, your site can become sluggish and frustrating to use.
The good news? You can speed up your Laravel store with the right performance optimization tips. We’ve tested these methods on real e-commerce sites and seen loading times cut in half.
The good news? You can speed up your Laravel store with the right performance optimization tips. We’ve tested these methods on real e-commerce sites and seen loading times cut in half.

In this guide, you’ll learn 15 proven Laravel Performance Optimization Tips for eCommerce that will help your store run faster and smoother.

Database Optimization

Your database speed can make or break your store. Let’s fix three big database issues that slow things down.

1. Make Your Database Searches Faster with Indexes

Adding indexes works like putting tabs in a big book. Instead of checking every page, you jump right to what you need.


// Add this to your product migration

public function up()


    Schema::table(‘products’, function (Blueprint $table) {


        $table->index([‘category_id’, ‘price’]);



Quick tips:

2. Stop Your Code from Making Too Many Database Calls

Bad code can make hundreds of tiny database calls when one big call would work better. This is called the N+1 problem.


// Bad way – creates many database calls

$orders = Order::all();

foreach ($orders as $order) {

    echo $order->user->name;


// Good way – one database call

$orders = Order::with(‘user’)->get();

foreach ($orders as $order) {

    echo $order->user->name;


What to check:

3. Save Database Results for Quick Access

Query caching saves your database results. Next time someone needs the same data, they get it instantly.


// Cache expensive queries

$products = Cache::remember(‘top_products’, 3600, function () {

    return Product::where(‘featured’, true)




Pro tips:

Quick Wins:

These fixes can cut load times by 50% or more. Your store will feel snappier, and customers will stick around longer.

Watch out for:

Want better results? Track your database times before and after these changes. You’ll see the difference right away.

Code-Level Optimization

Small code tweaks can make your store run way faster. Here’s how to speed up your Laravel code without breaking things.

1. Write Better Database Queries

Bad queries waste time talking to your database. Let’s fix that:


// Slow way – gets everything

$products = Product::all()->where(‘active’, true);

// Fast way – asks database to filter first

$products = Product::where(‘active’, true)->get();

Speed tricks:


// Get just what you need

$names = Product::select(‘name’, ‘price’)

    ->where(‘active’, true)

    ->chunk(100, function($products) {

        // handle chunks here


2. Save Stuff for Later Use

Laravel’s cache helps you save processed data. It’s like a super-fast notepad for your code.


// Save category menu for 1 hour

$menu = Cache::remember(‘category_menu’, 3600, function() {

    return Category::active()




What to cache:

3. Handle Big Tasks in the Background

Some jobs take too long. Laravel queues let you do them later:


// Don’t do this during checkout


// Do this instead


Good queue jobs:


// Queue setup in .env


Quick wins that work:

These changes can make your site 2-3 times faster. People won’t wait around while your code runs.

Common mistakes to skip:

Keep an eye on your Laravel logs. They’ll show you where the slow parts are.
Want real proof? Check your load times before and after. Numbers don’t lie.

Asset Management

Slow loading images and files make customers leave. Here’s how to make your store’s files load super fast.

1. Bundle Your Files with Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix squishes your CSS and JS files into tiny packages. Smaller files load faster.


// webpack.mix.js

mix.js(‘resources/js/app.js’, ‘public/js’)

   .sass(‘resources/sass/app.scss’, ‘public/css’)


   // Make files even smaller

mix.js(‘resources/js/app.js’, ‘public/js’)

   .sass(‘resources/sass/app.scss’, ‘public/css’)



Quick wins:

2. Set Up File Caching Rules

Tell browsers to save your files. They’ll load instantly on repeat visits.


// in .htaccess

<IfModule mod_expires.c>

    ExpiresActive On

    ExpiresByType image/jpg “access plus 1 year”

    ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access plus 1 year”

    ExpiresByType image/gif “access plus 1 year”

    ExpiresByType image/png “access plus 1 year”

    ExpiresByType text/css “access plus 1 month”

    ExpiresByType application/js “access plus 1 month”


Caching tips:

3. Make Your Images Smaller

Big images = slow pages. Image optimization fixes this.


// Resize on upload

use Intervention\Image\Facades\Image;

$image = Image::make($request->file(‘product_image’))

    ->resize(800, null, function ($constraint) {




Image tricks:


<!– Lazy load images –>

<img src=”product.jpg loading=”lazy alt=”Cool product“>

Fast loading checklist:

These changes can cut load times by 60%. Pages will pop up almost instantly.

Things that slow you down:

Run speed tests before and after. You’ll see faster scores right away.
Bonus tip: Check your site on slow phones. If it loads fast there, it’s fast everywhere.

Caching Strategies

Slow data loading kills sales. Smart caching makes your store super fast. Let’s set it up right.

1. Speed Up Sessions with Redis/Memcached

Regular session storage bogs down your site. Redis keeps things zippy.


// config/session.php

‘driver’ => env(‘SESSION_DRIVER’, ‘redis’),

// .env




What to store in Redis:

2. Save Static Pages

Why build the same page over? Page caching saves ready-made copies.


// ProductController.php

public function show(Product $product)


    return cache()->remember(



        fn() => view(‘product.show’, compact(‘product’))



Best pages to cache:

3. Make API Calls Faster

APIs can be slow. Cache their answers for quick replies.


// PaymentService.php

public function getPaymentMethods()


    return cache()->tags([‘api’])



            fn() => $this->api->fetchMethods()



API caching tips:


// Clear specific caches


Speed boosting checklist:

Your store could run 4x faster with these tweaks.

Watch out for:

Want proof? Check your server load before and after.
Pro tip: Monitor your cache hit rates. Higher means faster pages.

Server-Side Optimization

Bad server setup makes your store crawl. These fixes will speed things up big time.

1. Speed Up PHP with OPcache

PHP can be slow. OPcache keeps your code ready to run.


; php.ini tweaks






Quick boosts:

2. Share the Load Across Servers

Too many shoppers? Load balancing splits them up nice.


# nginx config

upstream laravel_app {





server {

    location / {

        proxy_pass http://laravel_app;



Smart splitting:

3. Put Files Closer to Users

Why serve pics from far away? CDN puts files next door.


// config/filesystems.php

‘s3’ => [

    ‘driver’ => ‘s3’,

    ‘key’ => env(‘AWS_KEY’),

    ‘secret’ => env(‘AWS_SECRET’),

    ‘region’ => env(‘AWS_REGION’),

    ‘bucket’ => env(‘AWS_BUCKET’),

    ‘url’ => env(‘AWS_URL’),


CDN tricks:


// Use CDN in views

<img src=“{{ asset(‘images/product.jpg’) }}”>

Speed checklist:

These changes could make your site 5x faster.

Common goofs:

Track your speeds with tools like Pingdom. numbers tell the real story.
sneaky tip: test from different places. speed should be good everywhere


Making your Laravel store faster isn’t rocket science. These tips really work-we’ve seen them cut loading times from 5 seconds to under 2 seconds.
Your customers want fast pages. Your business needs happy customers. Speed = Money. Simple math.

These fixes work together:

Start small. Pick one thing to fix today. Test your speed. Fix another thing tomorrow. You’ll see the numbers getting better every time.
Your store can be fast. Your customers will stay longer. You’ll sell more stuff.
Got questions? Or Want us to speed up your store? Drop us a message. We’ll show you how these tips work in real life.

We help businesses make their Laravel stores lightning fast. Our Laravel Consulting Services focus on real results – faster sites, happier customers, more sales.

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